Isf Response Explanations
uploadIsf responses
If everything goes correctly, the system will respond with the following:

This, however does not mean the ISF was accepted by customs. It only states that the ISF has been successfully uploaded into the system. In order to determine the ISF's status with customs, you should use the queryIsfStatus operation of this web service

If there are problems, they will be in the following forms:

<rejected>username/password invalid</rejected>
        Line 31: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element
        'bad-tag'. One of '{"":transmit,
        "":reference-number}' is expected.
<rejected>duplicate isf reference number</rejected>
    importer not found - an importer with tax id 11-12345678 must be in the user's importer table
<rejected>you do not have sufficient privileges</rejected>
amendIsf responses
The responses for the amendIsf operation are nearly identical to the uploadIsf operation:

This states that the ISF has been successfully amended. Again, this does NOT mean the ISF has been accepted by customs. In order to determine the ISF's status with customs, you should use the queryIsfStatus operation of this web service

If there are problems, they will be in the following forms:

    <![CDATA[The <reference-number> tag with the relevant reference number must be included]]>
<rejected>reference number 12345 was not found in the database</rejected>
<rejected>username/password invalid</rejected>
        Line 31: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element
        'bad-tag'. One of '{"":transmit,
        "":reference-number}' is expected.
    importer not found - an importer with tax id 11-12345678 must be in the user's importer table
<rejected>you do not have sufficient privileges</rejected>
deleteIsf responses
If a transaction to delete an ISf is submitted successfully, the system will respond with the following:

Problems will appear in the following forms:
<error>reference number 12345 was not found in the database</error>
<error>username/password invalid</error>
queryIsfStatus responses
If a query is submitted successfully, the system will respond with the following:
The possible values for <customs-status></customs-status> are:
  • <customs-status>Accepted</customs-status> - This means the ISF has been accepted by customs
  • <customs-status>Accepted with Warnings</customs-status> - ISF has been accepted by customs, but with warnings. Additional action my be required.
  • <customs-status>Rejected</customs-status> - ISF has been rejected by customs
  • <customs-status>In Progress</customs-status> - ISF is in the system but has not been transmitted to customs
  • <customs-status>Transmitted</customs-status> - ISF has been transmitted to customs, awaiting response from customs
  • <customs-status>Deleted</customs-status> - ISF has been deleted from customs
The possible values for <bill-on-file></bill-on-file> are:
  • <bill-on-file>Yes</bill-on-file>
  • <bill-on-file>No</bill-on-file>
  • <bill-on-file></bill-on-file> - This means customs has not sent a response regarding the Bill number
Problems will appear in the following forms:
<error>reference number 12345 was not found in the database</error>
<error>customer reference number 67890 was not found in the database</error>
<error>reference number 12345 and customer reference number 67890 was not found in the database</error>
<error>username/password invalid</error>